The Canadian College for Leadership & Management ‘CCLM’ offers accreditation services to your organization’s training courses. 

The Canadian College for Leadership & Management ‘CCLM’ certifies training courses offered by third party providers and organizations in accordance with the Board’s Certification Agreement & Quality Policy. Clients willing to certify their training courses by the CCLM will enjoy the following benefits:

  • Certified by The Canadian College for Leadership & Management: Clients will have the right to announce to their audience that their training courses and materials have been reviewed, continuously audited by and hence certified by CCLM and in accordance to its standards and policies.

  • Use of CCLM Logo and Marketing Materials: Clients could opt to use the CCLM logo on their ‘Certificate of Completion’ and related Marketing Materials in accordance with the Certification Agreement.

  • Published on CCLM Website and Marketing Materials: Clients and their CCLM-certified courses will be published on CCLM website and Marketing Materials.

To get your courses accredited and certified, please click to submit the Accreditation & Certification Application Form.

What information is required for courses to be accredited and certified?

The following information is required per course. Upon successful processing of your application, an online folder will be shared with you to upload the required documents.

# Name Description
1 Code A unique identifier for each training course
2 Name Name of the training course
3 Description Short description of the training course
4 Duration Duration of the course
5 Delivery Method Indicate whether the course is delivered In-Class, Online or Both
6 Languages Indicate the languages of the course material
8 Outline The outline of the modules of the training course
9 Learning Outcomes List of the learning outcomes
10 Materials The complete training material
11 Exams, Tests or Quizzes The exams, tests or quizzes used to measure students’ performance
12 Certificate of Completion The Certificate of Completion issued to students upon successful completion of the training course
13 Evaluation Criteria The evaluation criteria used to measure the performance of the instructor(s) and materials
14 Attendance Record The record of the student attendance